Digital marketing

08 FEBRUARY 2022


18 JANUARY 2022


30 DECEMBER 2021

11 βραβεία E-volution Awards 2022 για την FDN Group
Technology, Seo, Email marketing, Social media, Digital marketing, E-shop

Digital marketing


EMOTIONS & DIGITAL MARKETING: 5 ways to integrate empathy into your Digital Strategy.
Seo, Digital marketing

EMOTIONS & DIGITAL MARKETING: 5 ways to integrate empathy into your Digital Strategy.

23 AUGUST 2021
Events that took place in 2020 & 2021 under the pandemic of covid-19 proved to all people involved in business the importance of integrating empathy into the marketing strategy of every small and large business.  [...]

 Metrics to track engagement on your website
Seo, E-shop

Metrics to track engagement on your website

20 AUGUST 2021

Every day as the buying competition increases, the optimization of the internet presence is a necessary condition for the success of every business.
